This work from home arrangement that enables us to earn our keep, while at the same time see to the safety of family is getting comfortably familiar. In fact, it has blended into my daily routine quite well.
Like in between online meetings and I need to go to the restroom, I get to check if there is still tissue and pour disinfectant into the bowl as my apo might be the next one so eveything needs to be germ-free and tidy.
I also do not have to worry if my pants do not fit anymore because I can hang loose with pajamas or shorts and just worry about my top-- which, by the way, is not too hard to pick because tshirts are permissible when on Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
This really suits me just fine.
Since today is a Friday, I look forward to more morning cuddle time with my two apos-- my beautiful Zia and my handsome Franco.
It is almost 3 months since my husband rejoined our Maker, but it is hard to really go back to normal, especially so that there are a lot of things in the house that remind us of him. So we pray everyday for him to rest in God's embrace and that we can go on with our lives in the best way we know how.
There are times when I wake up in the middle of the night and feel a little anxious about the future but then again, I give myself a mental kick and say, 'Hey, put Him in charge of your life and things will be just fine."
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